Sohbet continued / Being vessels of Truth
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / My poverty is my pride
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Reading Hadith 13 from 101 Diamonds / Freedom and Responsibility
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet continued / Dhikr is praise
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Reading Hadith from 101 Diamonds / Even a single moment of forgetfulness / Returning
Dhikr at Dergah al-Farah / Excerpt 1 / Night of Power
Dhikr at Dergah al-Farah / Excerpt 2 / Night of Power
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah / Night of Power
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah
Handtaking at Dergah al-Farah
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Reading from Herat of the Koran / Poem by Hafiza
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet cont. at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / reading from Heart of the Koran
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / the heart has no boundaries
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Prayer for Ramadan at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / with Shaykha Fariha & Shaykha Amina / this is Allah's month / meditate on the essential names of God / cultivate gratitude / contemplate light... read more →
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Raghaib night / conception of the prophet / the month of Allah / the prophet of light / connect to our self of light
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah / Mevlud
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / We cannot be the judges
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Shaykha Fariha speaks to visitors from One Spirit
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / we needs to come to the deepest level of ourselves right now [audio: src=""]
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Entering the cave / the spiritual journey
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Khutba at Dergah al-Farah / the Day of Arafat
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Universal Islam
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Look to the inner / our heart is the sacred geography / we must go to the deepest inner levels of the teachings of Reality... read more →
Khutba at Dergah al-Farah / Allah creates you moment by moment
Khutba at Dergah al-Farah / limits / levels of seeing
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Hajj / Day of Arafat / journeying to Allah / universality
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / be free from the inner tyrant and outer tyranny / seriousness and sobriety / joy and gratitude / weeping and smiling / pray / be... read more →
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / adab of love / be gentle and gracious / humble and careful
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / reading hadith 1 from 101 diamonds / our nature is wandering / different levels of wandering / asking / everything is forgiven / kingdom of... read more →
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / visiting students from Denmark / the ceremony of remembrance / Sufi vs. Sunni-Shia / asceticism / middle way
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / divine self-revelation / self-knowledge / sufism is about deeper knowledge [audio: src=""]
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah [audio: src=""]
Sohbet continued
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet continued
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / visiting students / about dhikr / direct experience / sacred forms / longing for God / changing of God's names / the veil / sufi... read more →
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah [audio: src=""]
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / what is a sufi? / focus / become one / reading 101 diamonds / heart that is obsessed / tesbih / choice / distraction /... read more →
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / be present, be awake and be the vessel of divine praise
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / being open / Shaykh Nur / Yunus Emre / body and soul / free our hearts from divisiveness / let go of categories
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / On Dhikr
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Submission and Desire (Irada) / Reading the chapter on submission from the Atom
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Meditation on the name Allah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Time for community to come together / Trusting in Allah
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Celebrating the Urs of Mevlana / Reading Rumi
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / birthday of Muzaffer Effendi / reading from Ashki's Divan
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / traveling / creativity and praise / sufi science / light / not knowing / reading Thursday morning prayer of Ibn Arabi / knowledge and bewilderment
Khutba at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / We need do more inner work / be focused / be humble
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Birthday of Mevlana / we cannot rely on our deeds / Allah's boundless mercy / beginning of the Mathnawi / the path of love /... read more →
Khutba at Dergah al-Farah
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Courage on the spiritual path / reading The Leap of the Dervish from Atom / the path of essence
Khutba at Dergah al-Farah
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / May Allah preserve us / treat ourselves and each other with utter care and tenderness / ask for forgiveness / offering tesbih and wird
Khutba at Dergah al-Farah
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet continued / the tear of a saint
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / gaze of the beloved / love / power of the dhikr circle
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / a time for prayer / open space / togetherness / knowing oneself and knowing God / Jesus / the role of women
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Reading from 101 Diamonds
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Night of Raghaib
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / A prayer of Ibn Arabi
Handtaking of Brother Ra'uf at Dergah al-Farah
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet continued / brief excerpt
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Interpretation of traditions / Rajab / Abraham's experience
Sohbet at Effendi's House - Yonkers / Reading passages from the Quran for the community / love is a gift / being humble / we have no knowledge / having... read more →
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Reading Salawat
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet continued
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Conversation with visiting students
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / On suffering
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet continued / about Dhikrullah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / permeated by Allah / reading from 101 diamonds
Handtaking of sister Inshirah
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet continued after dhikr / the current of Love
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / recognizing Allah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / contemplating a hadith on the Prophet's love / best in character / giving shelter / protecting / bringing together
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / art 2 / importance of a positive vision / evolving with the community / pray for humanity / transformation / give charity / the dervish... read more →
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Part 1 / Reading a hadith for the community / La ilaha illallah / Reading from Shaykh Nur / meditation on La ilaha illallah /... read more →
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah [audio: src=""]
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / about Dhikr / remembrance / practicing gratitude / the mystic
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / balancing / reading hadith about the chanting of Quran / contemplation / guidance / God's preferences / beauty
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / the silsila / 28 names / Muzaffer Effendi and Nur / Reading from Atom / Surah Ya Sin / Universal Islam / Adab / dying... read more →
Sohbet continued / the dhikr / initiation / we are the living Quran / our creativity / gratitude / burden and suffering
Shaykha Fariha al-Jerrahi reads the chapter from Shaykh Nur's Atom from the Sun of Knowledge (Lex Hixon)
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Shaykha Fariha speaks to visiting students / the limited ego / our lineage / succession of teachers / about Sufism / the Shaykh / free... read more →
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Handtaking of Amina and Abdul Alim at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / language / being grateful / reading from 101 diamonds - my love belongs to those who love / cultivate our relationship with each other
Part Two
Part One
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Birthday of the Prophet / La ilaha illallah / the reality of Rasulullah / the Nur Muhammad
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Reading from Unveiling of Love / tests of the lovers / being intoxicated with the Divine / asking for forgiveness / hadith 90 from the... read more →
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Urs of Muzaffer Effendi / About Effendi / transmission to the west / Nur / our founding saint
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Shaykha Fariha speaks to visitng students
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / 10th of Muharram / a meditation on the message of Imam Hussein
Sohbet continued / short excerpt on fasting
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Khutba at Effendi's House / Circle Leader Gathering in Yonkers
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / the power of thoughts / blessings on the being in the path / feeding our minds / focus & responsibility / love
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / turning to Allah / striving / desiring Allah / sacred trust
Sohbet continued / an extended conversation about effort and effortlessness on the path
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / striving on the path / subtlety of the heart
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / after the Ramadan / the entire earth is in dhikr
Handtaking of Ahmed Nur at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / about the Ramadan / the struggle / regarding our razzaq and its effect on us / keep companionship with the lovers of God / our... read more →
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Question about Friend vs. Companion of the Prophet
Handtaking of Junayd at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Reading from Atom from the Sun of Knowledge / Countenance and Heart of the Shaykh / Principle of the Shaykh / Regarding recent events
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Reading from Abdul Qader Gaylani / Moses / Uways al-Qarani
Sohbet continued / Reading from Ibn Arabi / Salawat of Abdul Qadir Gaylani [audio: src=""]
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Reading Laylatul Qadr [audio: src=""]
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / About the Night of Power / Effendi & Nur [audio: src=""]
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / reading a salawat / Inshirah / hadith discussion / asking for forgiveness / suffering / tafakkur / estaghfirullah / repentance / to forgive
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / al-Hallaj ilahi 27 / love and essence / dying before dying / levels of fasting / ilahi 85 / reading a letter of Fakhruddin Iraki
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Atom from the Sun of Knowledge / path of certainty / state of receptivity / keep prayerfulness in these last 10 days of Ramadan /... read more →
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Reading from Three Days of Prayer / What is Amana? / Adab / Mountains / Knowing Oneself / Retreat
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Ramadan
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Shaban
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Laylat-ul-Miraj - Ascension / Adab / Salat
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Covenant with God
Handtaking at Dergah al-Farah
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / The Ascension - Miraj / Allahu Akbar
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Handtaking of Rashid and Latif
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Shaykh Nur / Universality / Ramakrishna / Ramana Maharishi / Christianity / lover & beloved / knowledge & bewilderment
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Rajab / rain of divine mercy & knowledge / fasting / more about the month of Rajab
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Rajab / Forgiveness / Knowledge / Compassion
Sohbet continued
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Silence / Muraqaba / Listening to God
Sohbet continued / every moment is a gift from the Source of our being
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Salat / the English language / Hadith 29 from 101 Diamonds / intensify our commitment and longing / instructions about Dhikr / revelation
Handtaking of Aminata
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Reading from 101 Diamonds / Allah's Mercy / there is no other / greeting of peace / trusting in God / Salaam Aleykum - Peace... read more →
Sohbet continued / Salawat of Ibn Mashish
Handtaking of Yahya Nur
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Mawlud Gathering (solar calendar)
Sohbet continued
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Shaykha speaks to students from Denmark / About the dhikr / language of prayer / state of the heart / paradox / regarding the cartoon... read more →
Sohbet continued P2
Sohbet continued P1
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Shaykha speaks to students from King's College / Reading from 101 diamonds / God's Love
Handtaking of Sister Aliya Tasleem
Sohbet continued
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah-Farah / Reading from 101 diamonds
Sohbet continued
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / clarity is one of the characteristics of the new time / forgiveness / heaven or hell / judgement
Sohbet continued / Prayer is a gift / reading a prayer from the Morning wird / knowledge
Prayer / Muzaffer Effendi's prayer
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / everything that we want will be given / eternity / inner world / testing / intimacy with Allah / retreat
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / intention / we only intend what Allah wills / deeper levels of Allah's will / love / spiritual progress & open space / the importance... read more →
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Reading from Rumi: The Big Red Book (Coleman Barks)
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet continued / Being in the unknowing / safety for Sufis around the world / the way of the Prophet Muhammad / we are not the doers / may Allah... read more →
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Prophet's Birthday / Veneration of the Prophet and the Saints / Ibn Arabi / Shaykh Muzaffer / true happiness is within
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / About Shaykh Nur / Reading from Atom - Sufi Science
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet continued after dhikr
Prayer at Dergah al-Farah
Sohbet Continued / the martyrdom of the prophets / Imam Husseyn / contemplate the sacrifice / book recommendation
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Muharram / Ashura / Significance / Karbala / Imam Husseyn / Muzaffer Effendi / may we disappear in them / practice muraqaba
Shaykha Fariha al-Jerrahi / On Sufism (February 8, 2008)
Wendy Salaam McLaughlin inteviews Shaykha Fariha al-Jerrahi (August 18, 2008) Wendy Salaam McLaughlin hosts a bi-weekly show, Sufism: The Heart of Islam, on KWMR (West Marin Community Radio). She interviews... read more →
Shaykha Fariha al-Jerrahi speaks about the Feminine Mystical Quality (interview with Rabia) (September 27, 2006)
Shaykha Amina al-Jerrahi speaks about Contemporary Mystics (Roshi Glassman and Shaykh Nur) (July 2006)
by Shaykha Fariha al Jerrahi Sufi Conference, October 14-16, 2005, Rhinebeck, NY Part 1
by Shaykha Fariha al Jerrahi Part 1
As part of the ongoing series of Interfaith events at the Masjid, Shaykha Fariha invited Louise Riskin CSW to offer a talk on Wednesday, April 12 at 7pm. Louise Riskin... read more →
Shaykha Fariha al-Jerrahi speaking in Huntington, Long Island
by Jennifer Bleyer (July, 2004)
An excerpt from Shaykha's talk is available (June 7, 2004)