Sohbet Continued
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / humanity is one / the prophets are brothers / become truly human / about dhikr / the praise of all creation / cosmic journey of... read more →
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / reading from Three Days of Prayer / nobility of the soul / Surah Baqara / description of the true human being / necessity of the... read more →
Sohbet continued / dhikr is really the vibration of the hearts
Sohbet at Dergah al-Farah / Shaykha speaks to visiting theater group / the dhikr is a cosmic unfolding of divine praise / description of the chants
Dhikr at Dergah al-Farah / Excerpt 1 / Night of Power
Dhikr at Dergah al-Farah / Excerpt 2 / Night of Power