In the Name of Allah, the Tenderly Compassionate, the Infinitely Compassionate.
The initiatory power received as one enters the Nur Ashki Jerrahi Order streams from the Divine Heart and from the heart of the beloved Prophet Muhammad, may Allah embrace him in the peace of perfect union. This light of transmission flows through the incomparable Hazreti Fatima and Hazreti Ali, daughter and son-in-law of the Prophet, and heart to heart through eleven centuries of mystic shaykhs, to the founding pir of our order, Hazreti Pir Muhammad Nureddin Jerrahi, born in Istanbul in 1678 CE. The unbroken chain of transmission continues until it reaches these shores with Nureddin Jerrahi’s nineteenth successor, Shaykh Muzaffer Ozak al-Jerrahi. In 1980 in the Masjid al-Farah, Shaykh Muzaffer placed the crown of the order, the taj, upon the head of Lex Hixon, Nur al-Anwar al-Jerrahi, and then upon the head of Fariha al-Jerrahi, who were kneeling side by side. For the remaining fifteen years of his life Shaykh Nur spread the lineage through the Americas. His vision of Universal Islam opens a new era of spiritual flowering.
When personally linked with the hand of the shaykh, the dervish becomes an illumined vessel for the light of the lineage, and an outpouring of the Divine Heart.
Islam is like clear water poured into different vessels. It takes the color and shape of each vessel.
- Shaykh Muzaffer al-Jerrahi