My life is a laboratory of alchemical interactions. But my principle of research is to keep each tradition uncontaminated by the rational, secular modern world or by the eclectic, anti-traditional New Age movement, which are reverse mirror reflections of each other. I am also careful about casually mixing and making facile equivalencies between these five sacred worlds, which are each unique, incomparable, non-interchangeable, inclusive, integral and complete. They are not in need of any interpretation or infusion from outside, yet are never locked within themselves but remain open to the Sacred. Nonetheless, it is a fact that these various initiatory currents of energy are flowing within a single person, so they cannot be hermetically sealed from each other. There is a healing interaction similar to deep friendship between the various initiatory streams within a citizen of parallel sacred worlds. This experience far transcends mere ecumenical dialogue or liturgical experiment. – excerpted from a paper by Lex Hixon entitled Joint Citizenship in Parallel Sacred Worlds Forthcoming title from Pir Press (December 2021) Living Open Space: The Interspiritual Journey of Lex Hixon By Gregory Blann Living Open Space: The Interspiritual Journey of Lex Hixon is a spiritual biography and compendium of the universalist teachings of the American mystic, author, radio host, and Sufi sheikh, Lex Hixon, also known as Sheikh Nur al-Jerrahi. Deeply inspired by the conviction that there is One Source underlying all the world’s great traditions, Lex passionately embraced and practiced the teachings of Vedanta, Tibetan and Zen Buddhism, Orthodox Christianity and Islamic Sufism, as well as other sacred paths, reconciling these diverse sacred ways in the non-dual “open space” beyond the boundaries of sectarian religion. All Things Sufi < PREVIOUS NEXT >