“No longer will I plow the sandy soil of personal will or labor on the estate of profane power. I neither come nor go on the road of time. I neither sleep nor die. I am a warrior of Love, participating in the final defeat of the forces of negation. The earring and the bracelet of the Beloved are my sole weapons, my armor that neither forgetfulness nor death can penetrate. My soul has been stolen away by the aroma of the Beloved, the sound of his harp, the touch of his shoulder, the sermon of his breath, the fluency of his tongue. His mansion of coral is my own subtle body. Facing directly into Supreme Reality, I hear and understand Its mystic idiom: Dare, O human being, to awaken! Harmonize your song; intensify your commitment. Consult your heart and your heart alone. Expose yourself to loving; seek the protection of Love. To arrive at truly being, come past the curtain waving in front of the Divine Light, which is your own light.” – Lex Hixon / Nur al-Jerrahi Countenance and Heart of the Shaykh Atom from the Sun of Knowledge – pg 292 All Things Sufi < PREVIOUS NEXT >