O Hajj. What will explain the Hajj? In truth our life is the Hajj. Our striving, our struggles and our pain are the roads to the Kaaba. Our calling out to the Merciful One is our prayer and our Labayk. Our tears are our ablutions. Then comes an easing and relief. Then comes the messenger of Grace. “Give the good news to the faithful ones O Muhammad that the victory of Love is here!” The Sakina. A victory. An opening. A Fath. Ya Fattah! Ya Wahhab! Arrival at the Source. Ente–l-Hadi Ente-l-Haqq! The quenching of thirst with ZemZem. Ente-l-Razzaq! Ente-l-Shafi, Ente-l-Mu’afi! Immersion in the One. Ya Ahad! Ya Hu! Ya Hajj! O Hajji! All Things Sufi < PREVIOUS NEXT >