Supreme Reality is calling us through the beautiful human voice. The mu’adhan, the human instrument of this divine call, faces the direction of prayer, hands held at ear level in a gesture of complete openness of mind and heart, and chants melodiously these revealed phrases:
Allahu Akbar (four times, recited in pairs)
Supreme Reality is always greater than any conception
Ashhadu an La ilaha illa-Llah (twice)
I witness that there is no reality apart from Supreme Reality
Ashhadu anna Muhammada-r-Rasulu-Llah (twice)
I witness that Muhammad is an authentic Messenger of Supreme Reality
Hayya ‘al as-salat (twice)
Come to salat
Hayya ‘al al-falah (twice)
Come to the highest spiritual realization
Allahu Akbar (twice)
Allah is always greater
La ilaha illa-Llah
Nothing exists apart from Allah