We are pilgrims on our journey to Love The clothes of the world have left us What we seek is the pleasure of our Beloved Who will clothe us in the veils of mystic states of nearness. We ask for forgiveness for our millions of moments of forgetfulness. of ungratefulness, of absence from love Estagfirullah We ardently desire to be present We have come come crying Labbayk Here I am Here I am O Lord O Love Here I am Labbayk Allahume Labbayk O Lord You have no equal there is nothing alike You in Your mercy, in Your power, in Your knowing, in Your being La sharika Lak All good, all praise, all beauty, all bounty and generosity is Yours You are the Owner and Guide of all manifestation, of all created being Laka wal Mulk We know only You La sharika Lak There is no other Only You All Things Sufi < PREVIOUS NEXT >