In the Name of Allah’s Boundless Compassion and Infinite Love
Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim resounds throughout the 18,000 universes, filling every pore of creation, causing all beings to tremble and vibrate with love. All in creation proclaim the infinite love and compassion of Allah. All come into existence through Allah’s love, are sustained through this love, and guided to higher and higher levels of being through love. May we never allow limited conceptions to cause us to despair of Allah’s unlimited love.
It is Allah’s love for us rises like a wave inside our being and becomes our love to Allah. Whatever is not this love will pass away. Whatever relations that are not bonded with this love will untie. Allah’s love alone remains when everything else disappears. May in every conscious moment we rely on Allah’s Love alone. May we never depend on ourselves, for the only limit to mercy is ourselves. Every burden disappears as we cry out to Allah.
We increase our capacity for His great love through gratitude and contentment with our life experience and through offering selfless love to others. The more we turn and return to Allah's mercy the more the infinity of divine love can pour through us. We are the baby at the breast of divine love. The more we draw the milk the more it flows.
Both names Rahman and Rahim derive from the root word meaning ‘womb’. The power of love contained in the Rahman is likened to the boundless love of a mother for her children. Here we have the divine feminine opening within the heart of Islam. In the mirror of creation, Allah has pointed to the mother to let us taste the nature of divine love—“Paradise is at the feet of the mother.” Then Allah tells us that Rahim is ninety-nine times more powerful than the Rahman.
Ya Rahim
O Love of Allah for Allah
O secret of Allah shared with the intimate lovers
O lightning flash that breaks all the mirrors
O longing in the dervish heart that is never quenched
O power that draws us to return without hesitation
O Love that lifts the curtain on Itself and shows us our own face.
O Love that leaves no trace other than Itself