Bismillahirahmanirahim As Jews, Christians, Muslims, Indigenous Peoples, Buddhists, Zen Practitioners, Vedantists, Nature Lovers, Mystics, Lovers of God, Singers of the heart, Poets, Artists, Scientists, Agnostics, Atheists we have to stand together to say Yes to humanity and No to injustice and terrorism and oppression and massacres. We have to say No to people being killed and put off their land. No to human rights advocates being assassinated. No to defenders of Nature being assassinated. No to Mother Earth being desecrated. Yes to helping people thrive. Yes to supporting goodness. Yes to feeding each other. Yes to praying for each other. Yes to inviting and welcoming each other. Yes to raising our children together. We and all those creatures living next to us on earth is all that we have. Our relations are the most precious. May we adorn them and envision them as sacred. We are the peoples of the earth. We can make Paradise here. Fariha Fatima All Things Sufi < PREVIOUS NEXT >