Bismillahirahmanirahim Blessings for this New Year, Rosh Hashana Tova! Blessings on all those who were born in this past year and blessings on all those who have left for the realm of Beauty. Blessings on Zhati Munajat, our incomparable companion and dervish lover and explorer of the realms of divine friendship and human justice, and on all the friends of Allah who have passed. Blessings on Ruth Bader Ginsburg who held out for as long as she could so that the light of justice would continue shining through her courageous soul in the highest court of the land. Blessings on all of us who remain in our earthly bodies so that the light of love ‘may flash from Allah’s heart to Allah’s heart,’ and the desire of the Beloved be fulfilled in this realm. May we be guided by the most sublime light of Allah and consoled by the most precious love of Allah. And forgiven and renewed by the most encompassing compassion of Allah. May we be given eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts to love and minds to be bewildered and arms to embrace and tongues to speak beauty and hands to work compassion and feet to walk on the ways of truth. May the peoples of Revelation be shoulder to shoulder and heart in heart. Ya Rahman Ya Rahim YaHu Ya Ishk Fariha Fatima All Things Sufi < PREVIOUS NEXT >