BOOK LAUNCH continues TODAY! Lecture by Dr. Eric Winkel 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm Visual doors to the Openings Ibn al-Arabi’s Spiritual Aesthetics Visual doors into the Openings Revealed in Makkah. We consider a dozen slides, each presenting a visual aesthetic or mechanical (schematic) translation of an aspect of Ibn al-Arabi’s vision, preparing the viewer to realize and verify for oneself (tahqiq) a truth. These are mafatih (keys) to the openings (futuhat), necessary for understanding this work. Ibn al-Arabi’s spiritual aesthetic – participatory, interactive themes from the Openings Revealed in Makkah: mirror, shadow play, photography; the fingers of al-Rahman, the good estimation of the True; the harsh names and words of the Divine; and four words for love. Venue The Sufi Lodge 245 West Broadway New York, NY 10013 tel: 212.966.9773 Free Admission. . . . All Things Sufi < PREVIOUS NEXT >