“I Am. I alone Am. La ilahe ila Ana. Turn to Me. Pray to Me. Ask from Me. Return to Me. Be grateful to Me. Disappear in Me. Reappear through Me. Love Me with your entire being. Love me in your heart, in your self, in your mind. Love Me in in your self and in the heart of my humanity where I abide. Love Me in My creation where I manifest. Love Me with every breath and in every blink of your eye. But you will fail to love Me as I love you. You will forget your true self and forget Me. You will be distracted by the world and your own affairs. Your heart will be veiled from Me. You will wander in forgetfulness. And then through My love to you and My promise to you I will turn to you and send you distress so that you remember Me. You will remember your Creator and your Refuge and you will ask for My forgiveness and I will forgive you. And you will dwell with Me forever.” All Things Sufi < PREVIOUS NEXT >