In the All Embracing and Sustaining Holy Womb of Love HAPPY MOTHERS DAY BELOVED COMMUNITY Bless your mother hearts! Bless your loving care and acts of loving kindness Bless your joy Bless your sadness Bless your breaths of praise Bless your steps on Mother Earth Bless your sacred dance that preserves life Bless your voice singing with the birds and the mountains and the breezes and the rain and the flowers Bless your words of consolation and words of guidance Bless your visions Bless your warnings and good counsel Bless your waking in the night to be the guardians of true humanity Bless your coming into the earth and bless your going out of it May the One Who mothers all the mothers accept our prayers and our lives of joyful sacrifice. Shaykha Fariha Fatima al-Jerrahi Uncategorized < PREVIOUS NEXT >