In the Life GIving Name of Allah Who is Complete Mercy and Tender Love We ask you O Allah to send your love and your boundless blessings upon our Master Muhammad the merciful Prophet who intercedes for all humanity, the one who wept in prostration for his community on this night and the one whose intercession has brought life and goodness to all beings. We ask that on this night you include us with him, that you beautify us with his qualities, that you grant us a drop of the mercy and love from his heart so that we too may pray and weep for humanity and all living creatures. Bless humanity on this night. Please change the destiny of humanity, all of us, to the highest level of goodness and love. Lighten our burdens, make what is destined for us pleasing to us, draw us into the most beloved stations of love, knowledge and nearness to You. Forgive us utterly. Make our hearts and our actions true. Purify our hearts of all but You. Let us gaze upon You as one gazes upon the full moon, in the way that the beloved Khadija saw the full moon entering through her window into her breast. Enter into our breasts tonight. Become our breath and our life. May our every breath be La ilahe ilallah Muhammad Rasulallah. May we offer the extra rekats tonite with longing and happiness in our hearts. May they be offered for Your sake, in honor of our beloved Prophet, saws, and the Mothers, Messengers and Prophets of all communities, and for the well-being and happiness of humanity. Increase our need for You. Show us that all of our needs are truly need of You, our Friend, our Beloved, our Guide, our Rejoicer, our full Moon of love, our Protector, the One Who forgives and calls us back always. Blessings upon the Messenger of Mercy, saws, who embodies the most beautiful way of return. Blessings upon Muzaffer Ashki, Hazreti Pir Nureddin Jerrahi, Mother Amina, and upon Nur al Anwar, our glorious lineage of light, love, compassion and beauty. Ya Ghaffar, Ya Ghaffur, Ya Tawwab, Ya Afuw, Ya Hu, the Only One Please answer the prayers of humanity on this Night and grant fulfillment to the needs of humanity on this Night. Full Moon of Shaban Uncategorized < PREVIOUS NEXT >