Muzaffer Effendi, ra, and his beloved dervishes who traveled with him to the Holy Land. Effendi is standing at the Dome of the Rock, the place from which Prophet Muhammad, saws, ascended through the seven heavens and entered the Divine Presence closer than two bow lengths. Effendi and his dervishes seem to be poised to ascend also. Effendi's gaze soars. It is beautiful because Effendi blesses this holy ground with his heart and with the heart of his dervishes. It is not an act of claiming possession but rather an act of dedication for all humanity. A gesture pointing the way for humanity, to retun altogether to their Lord and Lover. Here, from the holy ground of your Heart you can ascend to your Beloved. Eid Mubarak! Fariha al Jerrahi Uncategorized < PREVIOUS NEXT >