O Beloved and Magnificent Allah, please shower Your never-ending love and unveilings of love, and shower Your never-ending bounties and new knowledge and new forms of Praise and blessings of every kind upon the heart-essence of Muhammad, sallallahu aleyhi wa sellim, so that his family, his wives, his companions, his Ummat of Prophets and their communities and all beings from the most invisible to the vastest, live and manifest and flourish in the most beautiful way of praise in the never ending pleasure of Allah the Beloved and Adored and may they live the One Life forever in the greatest harmony that only comes from Your Pleasure. O Beloved Allah, please shower Your never ending blessings and all embracing peace upon Muhammad the one reality and one life of the hearts of all beings so that this Creation fulfills its sublime Amana in praising and adoring You forever in the infinite and various ways that are most pleasing to You, O Exalted and Cherished One. For Being Itself is praise of You. And praise of You is Being. Uncategorized < PREVIOUS NEXT >