One must constantly begin anew the common task of Sufism. We can never shrug our shoulders fatalistically. The way of valor called Sufi science is not constituted by effusions of emotion, by vertiginous successions of dreams and visions, or by the exhibition of miracles. The spiritual path is upright and direct, remaining open simply for the next step, simply for each breath, simply for the unbreakable commitment to serve humanity, simply for the patience and courtesy of Sufi behavior. The cycle of human effort and Divine Grace is never closed. In each place, in every moment, we have to begin anew the purification of the self and the humble service of all creation. This constantly beginning anew, through the continuous impulse of love for God and love for every creature in God, constitutes the steps of the sacred dance of Sufism, accompanied by the rhythmic beat of the universal heart. In this dance without description, the Divine Will reveals a cascade of surprises. This inexhaustible Divine Manifestation becomes our path to conscious harmony with Essence. Shaykh Nur al-Jerrahi / Lex Hixon New Light on Sufi Science Atom from the Sun of Knowledge Uncategorized < PREVIOUS NEXT >