Prayer of Prophet Muhammad on first of Muharram O Allah, You are Eternal Reality, Creator of time, And this is a new year. I beg of you safety in it from the one who embodies all negativity. I beg of you mastery of my limited self which inclines to negativity. And I beg of you engagement in everything which draws me near to You. O Generous and Merciful One! O Lord of majesty and embracing generosity! O Supporter of the one who has no support. O Provider of the one who has no provision. O Shelter of the one who has no shelter. O Helper of the one who has no helper. O Reliance of the one who has no one to lean on. O Treasure of the one who has no treasure. O You Who makes tests and trials a way of mercy. O Ultimate Hope. O Strength of the weak. O Rescuer of the drowning. O Savior from destruction. O Benefactor! O Munificent! O All Bestower! O All Benevolent! Before You prostrates the blackness of the night and the brightness of the day, the radiance of the moon and the glory of the sun, the ripple of the water, and the rustling of the trees. You have no equal and no partner. O Beloved Allah please make us better than what is thought of us. Forgive us for that which remains hidden about us, And do not blame us for what is said regarding us. Sufficient for me is Allah, and there is no reality apart from Allah. On Allah alone do I rely, Lord of the magnificent throne. In this do we believe, that all comes from our Lord. And none are aware of this except the people of insight. O Lord and Lover of ours, do not let our hearts swerve after You have guided us! And grant us mercy from Your own Presence, for You are the Bestower of mercy without limit. Amin! Amin! Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Aleymin! All praises flow from every point and place of praise to the Source and Goal of all beings! All Things Sufi < PREVIOUS NEXT >