Salat of Nearer Than Near O precious Allah, please bless our master, our prophet and our friend Muhammad with ultimate nearness to You, closer than two bow lengths, nearer than near and nearer than that. Draw him into the nearness that pleases You and pleases him, the nearness which makes him Your self-revelation, Your beloved, Your entrusted one, Your messenger to all the worlds; the nearness which fills him with all mystic letters, all knowledges, all revelations and all praises; the nearness which makes him a rising sun of truth, a full moon of beauty, a brilliant star of guidance, an ocean of compassion and a mountain of revelation; the nearness which gives the beauty and love to all manifest being; the nearness which opens every door of goodness and seals every negativity; the nearness which dispels all sadness and calls forth all happiness; the nearness which draws all souls into nearness, all lovers into unity and all seekers into bewilderment; the nearness which is the meaning of our life and the essence of our eternal life; the nearness which is the call of “Am I not Your Lord?” and the gate to “He is your hearing and your seeing;” the nearness which makes all life flourish. O beloved Allah please bless all the messengers, prophets and mothers of the faithful and their communities throughout time for his sake. Please bless the gnostics, the saints, the lovers, the bewildered, the followers, all people everywhere and all beings in creation. Please draw us all into ultimate nearness with You for his sake. Inspired to Shaykha Fariha on the Night of Miraj Uncategorized < PREVIOUS NEXT >