Every dervish of the Nur Ashki Jerrahi tariqat receives the powerful spiritual protection of the shaykhs and pirs of our lineage who form a shield of light against negativity. However, personal initiative is also very important. As the dervish progresses on the path, their light can attract negative beings whom they would encounter either in waking or dream states. Therefore it is recommended that they increase their protection and well-being through recitation of the Wird, daily, weekly, and in times of particular need. Inside the Wird are salawat and special verses which are particularly helpful for protection. Among these are the Fatiha, Surat al-Falaq and Surat an-Nas, and the Ayat al-Kursi. The Fatiha is on page 40 of this book.
Surat al-Falaq [Sura 113]
In the name of Allah, the Tenderly Compassionate, the Infinitely Merciful
Qul a‘udhu bi-Rabbi-l-falaq
Affirm with your whole being, “I seek true refuge with the Lord of perpetually dawning Wisdom
Min sharri ma khalaq
Perfect refuge from all the negativity generated by limited conscious beings,
Wa min sharri ghasiqin idha waqab
With which they darken their consciousness,
Wa min sharri-n-naffathati fi-l-‘uqad
Total refuge from the confusion, magic
Wa min sharri hasidin idha hasad
And obsession they project.”
Surat an-Nas [Sura 114]
In the name of Allah, the Tenderly Compassionate, the Infinitely Merciful
Qul a‘udhu bi-Rabbi-n-nas
Affirm with your whole being, “I seek true refuge with the Lord and Lover of humankind,
Maliki-n-nas Ilahi-n-nas
The Sovereign of humankind, the Divine Guide of humankind
Min sharri-l-waswasi-l-khannas
Sure refuge from all the negativity that whispers divisively
Alladhi yuwaswisu fi suduri-n-nas, mina-l-jinnati wa-n-nas
Into the pure heart of humanity and into the hearts of conscious beings on the subtle planes of being.”
Al-Hafiz- The Sole Preservation,
Allah, the Preserver of all beings
Recite Ya Hafiz 16 times for special protection over yourself or over another.
Ayat l-Kursi
Allahu La ilaha illa Hu
Allah alone. There is no reality or divinity apart from Him,
The Living One, absolutely Self-Manifesting and All-Encompassing.
La ta’khudhuhu sinatu-w-wa la nawm
His Divine Awareness never lapses nor sleeps.
Lahu ma fi-s-samawati wa ma fi-l-ard
All heavenly and earthly planes of being belong solely to Him.
Man dhalladhi yashfa‘u ‘indahu illa bi-idhnih
Who is there who could intercede in His presence, except through His own permission?
Ya‘lamu ma bayna aydihim wa ma khalfahum
He alone knows what causes precede and what results follow from each event.
Wa la yuhituna bi shay’in min ‘ilmihi illa bima sha’a
And human beings can grasp nothing of His Encompassing Divine Knowledge except As He wills.
Wasi‘a kursiyuhu-s-samawati wa-l-ard
The mysterious Throne of His Presence permeates every heavenly and earthly dimension,
Wa la ya’uduhu hifzuhuma
As He effortlessly creates, protects and preserves all manifestation,
Wa Huwa-l-‘Aliyu-l-‘Azim
For He is the Most High, the Supremely Glorious.
A very effective way of protecting yourself with the Ayat al-Kursi is to recite it seven times, and each time, after the recitation, to blow it in one of the directions around your person. After the first recitation you breathe out in front of yourself. After the second recitation you breathe over the right shoulder. After the third recitation you blow it over the left shoulder. After the fourth recitation you blow into your hands and pass them over your head toward your back. After the fifth you blow above yourself, and after the sixth you blow toward the earth. After the seventh recitation, you inhale, so that the power of the Quranic words permeates your interior.
Al-Muhaymin- The Sole Protection,
Allah, the Protector of all beings
For the purposes of healing, Shaykh Turgul Efendi recommends reciting this verse a single time preceded by a salawat and one Fatiha and then auzu billahi mina-sh-shaytani-r-rajim...
In the name of Allah, the Tenderly Compassionate, the Infinitely Merciful
Wa nunazilu mina-l-Qur’an ma huwa shifa’un
We send down in the Quran that which is a healing
wa rahmatu-lil-mu’minina
and a mercy to the faithful.
wa la yazidu-z-zalimina ‘illa khasara
To the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss.
Holy Quran 17.82