Sufi science, never anti-traditional, does not counsel humanity to abandon the powerful ancient methods: prayer and meditation, service to the neighbor, study of scriptures and biographies of saints. What is distinct about this spiritual science, which always develops anew in every historical period, is the wideness of its field of vision and activity. Sufism is never limited to a single sensibility, to a single society, or even to a single religious tradition, but rather embraces the world as a sphere without cultural or personal frontiers. Sufism is capable of inventing new words, but in each epoch its point of departure is exactly the same: to gaze face to face upon Reality. Its loom is always the same: the Living One. Its call to humanity is always the same: Let us begin to exist truly! – Shaykh Nur al-Jerrahi / Lex Hixon Chapter: New Light on Sufi Science: Gnostic Unveiling and Awakening Excerpted from Atom from the Sun of Knowledge Available from Pir Press . . . . All Things Sufi < PREVIOUS NEXT >