Supreme Reality, The One God
Shaykh Nur al-Jerrahi
Holy Quran, consisting of 6,666 verses, was revealed by Allah Most High to the heart of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, over a period of twenty three years. Six months after the final revelation, the Prophet’s earthly life completed, making his life synonomous with the Generous Book.
The physical text of symbols that we hold in our hand is actually a mirror for the true Quran which is the continuous revelation of Allah unfolding as the ocean of manifest Being and the life of each being. The true Quran is the form of the perfect human being. Therefore when Hazreti Aysha the beloved wife of the Prophet was asked about her noble husband, she answered simply that he was the living Quran. For the dervish, the shaykh is also the living Quran. Sitting in the presence of the shaykh is like reading Quran.
The true Quran is the great ocean of knowledge which sustains the way of Islam, disappearance into the Source of Love.
The physical text of symbols contains the nucleus of every event occuring from the beginning of this creation to its completion. The mystic shaykhs declare that there are twenty eight levels of interpretation in Holy Quran and there are as many meanings as there are words and letters.
The Quran is always protected by living guardians who are the friends of Allah. These are the ones who have merged back into divine Essence, and whose lives have become the interpretation of the Book. Their generosity and nobility, luminous wisdom and love for humanity, are the signs of their station. They are the ones who offer the Good News, as Quran is also called, to the believers and lovers of Truth. Without their divine vision, interpretation of the Quran contracts into a simple, literal meaning.
As the inner eye within the heart opens through the grace of the Pirs, the dervish is able to understand some of the deeper meanings of the Book. Rumi has compared the Quran to a bride who lifts her veil only to the one who approaches her with a pure heart.
Holy Quran speaking of itself:
This is a miraculous manifestation through Arabic letters of the mysterious Universal Quran, which remains timelessly inscribed upon a boundless transcendental tablet.
Holy Quran 85.21-22
Proclaim that your Lord is Most Bountiful, for He wrote upon your heart with the Mystic Pen, revealing to humanity what it never could have known.
Holy Quran 96.3-5
We first divinely revealed luminous verses from this Glorious Quran during the most sanctified night, for We long eternally to offer Our compassionate Divine Warning. On that mystic Night outside time, every facet of infinite Divine Wisdom is made clear.
Holy Quran 44.3-4
We have made this Arabic Quran easy to understand and remember. Are there any true human beings who long to receive its perfect guidance?
Holy Quran 54.32
Whenever this Holy Quran is being prayerfully recited, listen to it with the complete attention of your entire being, keeping profound inward silence, that you may consciously receive the inconceivable Divine Mystery.
Holy Quran 7.204
Every being in existence is revealed and contained in the Cosmic Quran.
Holy Quran 6.38
Quranic interpretations by Shaykh Nur in Atom from the Sun of Knowledge