We must weep tears, at least inwardly, for the martyrdom of Husayn, may Allah ennoble his soul… To weep tears for a martyr is a very unusual kind of tear. It is not a tear of frustration or a tear of a feeling of oppression or defeat… At the same time, it is a real tear… It is a tear of intense love and intense gratitude… May we weep inwardly, if just a single tear, for love of that one about whom we sing, “Whoever loves you will receive forgiveness, whoever loves you will be enlightened.” We don’t even have to be so advanced that we would shed physical tears, but the heart knows how to shed tears. So if we can shed that tear tonight, we can be considered true lovers. Muzaffer Efendi said that the highest rank is the rank of lovers. This is the ultimate spiritual rank to which we aspire. – Shaykh Nur al-Jerrahi Uncategorized < PREVIOUS NEXT >