Ya Imam Huseyn and the Martyrs of Karbala, Ya Ashura! Bismillahirahmanirahim Beloveds on the Path of Love Peace to your hearts on this day of Karbala and this day of Ashura when the Prophets, the Mothers and their Communities received the abounding Grace of Allah. There is no salvation without Allah There is no peace and no joy without Allah There is no reality withouyt Allah And humanity is the great secret of Allah revealed through our earthly life, both suffering and joyful. On this day we turn to the beloved Imam Husayn, may he be showered in Allah’s peace. We send blessings to his soul and to the souls of the community of lovers who lived and died by his side. They lived and died in the earth for love to Allah, and for this they are called martyrs, the witnesses, the ones who see the Truth before the great unveiling of the next world. And for this they are now spiritually rejoicing in eternal Presence. There is both sadness and joy in this day. There is both the bearing of terrible suffering and the great release from suffering, the arrival of Grace and the transformation of tears into joy. “O Muhammad, give joyful news to the faithful ones that Allah’s saving Grace has come and the victory of Love is here.” If we are able to hold in our heart both of the qualities of this day we take a step toward spiritual maturity. Earth is hardship, a place of tests and trials, and also the locus for fulfilling our destiny as lovers of Allah. All the elements needed to attain spiritual maturity are here if we live consciously turning to Allah, gazing at the Countenance of Allah, and devoting our waking moments to praising and thanking Allah. Living for Allah and dying for Allah, like the martyrs of Karbala. Engaging in good actions for the sake of Allah, cognizant that Allah is the true Doer. Giving our lives over to Allah recognizing that Allah is the only Existing. Uncategorized < PREVIOUS NEXT >