In the Name of Allah’s Boundless Compassion and Infinite Love In salat I find the refreshment for my eyes. Salat is the ascension of the believer. Oral traditions of the... read more →
Ablution is re–immersing ourselves in the light of divine awareness, preparing us for salat. The basic method of performing wudu, the minor ablution is the following: With the intention of... read more →
Supreme Reality is calling us through the beautiful human voice. The mu’adhan, the human instrument of this divine call, faces the direction of prayer, hands held at ear level in... read more →
a. Initiating Salat, and beginning the first cycle (rakat) b. Completing a two-rakat prayer c. Continuing a three-rakat or four-rakat d. Completing a three-rakat prayer e. Continuing a four-rakat prayer... read more →
Immediately after giving the salams to the right and left, remain seated and intone the word of forgiveness: Estaghfiru-Llah Estaghfiru-Llah Estaghfiru-Llah Forgive us O Allah, Clear us of our mistakes... read more →
All creation is immersed in ecstatic praise of its Creator. The five daily prayers of Islam establish conscious connection with this cosmic dimension. The quality of light at each divinely... read more →
When the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace, would come to salat, he would ecstatically overflow with extra rakats, sometimes before, sometimes after the set pattern of fard rakats. Once... read more →