a. Initiating Salat, and beginning the first cycle (rakat)
b. Completing a two-rakat prayer
c. Continuing a three-rakat or four-rakat
d. Completing a three-rakat prayer
e. Continuing a four-rakat prayer
f. Completing a four-rakat prayer
Initiating Salat, and beginning the first cycle (rakat)
State Intention: Quietly state the intention to pray (for example, “O Allah, I intend to offer the fard maghrib prayer seeking your good pleasure. Bismi-Llahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim”)
Initiating the state of Salat: Face qiblah–outwardly this is the direction of the Holy Kaaba in Mecca, inwardly it is the awareness that one is facing only Allah. Raise the hands, palms open and facing forward (traditionally hands beside the head for men, or beside the shoulders for women). This gesture, signifying the openness of the entire being to the Divine Radiance and Magnificence, is accompanied by the words of transcendence:
Allahu Akbar
Unite the hands (just below the navel for men, and above the heart for women), right hand placed gently over the left. Allow these praises to arise, pronouncing the words under your breath:
Subhanaka Allahumma wa bi-Hamdik
Glorious O Allah, and all hearts praise You
wa Ta-Baraka-Smuk
Your Name is pure blessing
wa Ta-‘Ala Jadduk
Your Might is exalted
wa La ilaha ghayruk
and there is no reality apart from You
Audhu Billahi mina-shaytan ir-rajim
I take refuge in Allah from all negativity
Chant Sura Fatiha, the opening chapter of Quran:
In the Name of Allah, the Tenderly Compassionate, the Infinitely Merciful
Alhamdu li-Llahi Rabbi-l-‘alamin
Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Lover of the Worlds
Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,
Maliki yawmi-d-din
Magnificently presiding over the return into the Radiance of Allah
Iyyaka na‘budu, wa iyyaka nasta‘in
O Lord, we worship only You and rely upon You alone.
Reveal Your Direct Path,
Sirata-l-ladhina an ‘amta ‘alayhim
the mystic way of those who have received and truly assimilated Your sublime Guidance,
Ghayril maghdubi ‘alayhim wa lad-daallin
those who never wander from the spiritual path and therefore never experience Your awesome Correction.
Continue with another short selection of Quran, such as al-Ikhlas:
In the name of Allah, the Tenderly Compassionate, the Infinitely Merciful
Qul: huwa-Llahu Ahad Allahu-s-Samad
Affirm with your whole being, “He is Allah, the One and Only Reality, the All-Encompassing
Lam yalid wa lam yulad
Who does not originate from some other reality. Nor do multiple realities come forth separate from Him,
wa lam yakul-lahu kufuwan ahad
for apart from Him, there is absolutely nothing.”
Allahu Akbar
Ruku–bowing the whole torso from the hips repeat three times:
Subhana Rabbi-l-Azim
Glory to the Lord and Supreme Teacher Who is sheer magnificence
While rising up again to standing:
Samia-Llahu li-man hamida
Allah hears the one who praises Him
Reaching the upright position, follow with the cry of gratitude:
Rabbana laka-l-hamd
O My Lord, all praise flows to you!
With the words of transcendence, the knees bend, initiating movement down toward full prostration:
Allahu Akbar
As feet, knees and hands touch the earth, the body tilts forward, and the forehead rests in the space between hands. Another divinely revealed form of praise is whispered three times slowly:
Subhana Rabbi-l-‘Ala
Glorious is Supreme Reality
One has now released any trace of separate individuality as the soul melts into its Original Source.
With the cry:
Allahu Akbar
raise the head and torso into a seated position momentarily. Then return to prostration intoning:
Allahu Akbar
In prostration whisper again three times:
Subhana Rabbi-l-‘Ala
Glorious is Supreme Reality
With the cry:
Allahu Akbar
one rises from prostration to the standing position.
Initiating the second rakat
In all prayers, the cycle is performed a second time, including recitation of Sura Fatiha, the Amin, and the other ayat(s) of Quran:
In the Name of Allah, the Tenderly Compassionate, the Infinitely Merciful
Alhamdu li-Llahi Rabbi-l-‘alamin
Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Lover of the Worlds
Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,
Maliki yawmi-d-din
Magnificently presiding over the return into the Radiance of Allah
Iyyaka na‘budu, wa iyyaka nasta‘in
O Lord, we worship only You and rely upon You alone.
Reveal Your Direct Path,
Sirata-l-ladhina an ‘amta ‘alayhim
the mystic way of those who have received and truly assimilated Your sublime Guidance,
Ghayril maghdubi ‘alayhim wa lad-daallin
those who never wander from the spiritual path and therefore never experience Your awesome Correction.
In the name of Allah, the Tenderly Compassionate, the Infinitely Merciful
Qul: huwa-Llahu Ahad Allahu-s-Samad
Affirm with your whole being, “He is Allah, the One and Only Reality, the All-Encompassing
Lam yalid wa lam yulad
Who does not originate from some other reality. Nor do multiple realities come forth separate from Him,
wa lam yakul-lahu kufuwan ahad
for apart from Him, there is absolutely nothing.”
Allahu Akbar
Ruku-bowing the whole torso from the hips:
Subhana Rabbi-l-Azim (three times)
Glory to the Lord and Supreme Teacher Who is sheer magnificence
While rising up again to standing:
Samia-Llahu li-man hamida
Allah hears the one who praises Him
In the upright position:
Rabbana laka-l-hamd
O My Lord, all praise flows to you!
With the words of transcendence, initiate movement down toward full prostration:
Allahu Akbar
In prostration, whisper:
Subhana Rabbi-l-‘Ala(three times)
Glorious is Supreme Reality
The weight of the body now shifts back to kneel on the legs:
Allahu Akbar
Pause in the seated position. Move again toward full prostration intoning:
Allahu Akbar
In prostration whisper:
Subhana Rabbi-l-‘Ala (three times)
Glorious is Supreme Reality
Allahu Akbar
rise out of prostration into seated position.
In the seated position, quietly recite this divine conversation which occurred in the ProphetÕs Ascension, and which recurs between the soul and Lord during every salat:
At-tahiyyatu li-Llahi wa salawatu wa-t-tayyibatu
(The Prophet cries:) O Allah, to You belong all my greetings, prayers, and pure deeds.
as-salamu alayka ayyuhan-Nabiyyu
(Allah Most High responds:) Peace be upon you, O beloved Prophet,
wa Rahmatu-Llahi wa Barakatu-Hu
and may My divine mercy and blessings flow always upon you.
As-salamu alayna wa ala ibadi-Llahi salihin
(The Prophet prays:) Peace be upon us and upon all the righteous servants of Allah-
ashadu an La ilaha ila-Llah
(The angels exclaim:) We bear witness that there is no reality apart from Allah,
wa ashadu anna Muhammadin Abdu-Hu wa Rasulu-Hu
and we bear witness that Muhammad is His pure servant and Messenger!
Upon reciting this mystic dialogue, you have just completed two rakats or cycles of salat.
When you are offering a two-rakat salat, at this point continue to kneel, quietly reciting these salawat and supplications:
Rabbana atina fi-dunya hasanatan
O Lord, grant us pure goodness and beauty in this life
wa fil akhirati hasanatan
and in the life beyond death.
wa qina adhab an-nar
and protect us all from the fire of purification
Rabbana ghfirli wa-li walidaya wa-l Mu’minuna
O Lord, heal and forgive me, my parents, and all those faithful to Love
Yawm ‘il yakum ‘il hisab
On the Day of Ultimate Justice
Bi-Rahmatika Ya Arhama Rahimin
By your supremely tender Compassion, O most Compassionate of the Compassionate.
The Word of Peace is repeated twice, first to the right along the lines of prayer and then to the left:
As-Salamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatu-Llah,
As-Salamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatu-Llah
May the Sublime Peace and Compassionate blessings of Allah be with you.
Now the main body of the two-rakat prayer is complete. The heart naturally overflows with further supplications, praises and forms of remembrance. The patterns of our dervish tradition appear in a later section.
Continuing a three-rakat or four-rakat
If you are offering a three- or four-rakat prayer, immediately after the mystic dialogue (at-tahiyyatu) intone:
Allahu Akbar
and rise up into the standing position. This is the beginning of the third rakat. The short sura that follows al-Fatiha in the first two cycles is left out in the third and fourth cycles?nly the Fatiha is recited:
In the Name of Allah, the Tenderly Compassionate, the Infinitely Merciful
Alhamdu li-Llahi Rabbi-l-‘alamin
Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Lover of the Worlds
Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,
Maliki yawmi-d-din
Magnificently presiding over the return into the Radiance of Allah
Iyyaka na‘budu, wa iyyaka nasta‘in
O Lord, we worship only You and rely upon You alone.
Reveal Your Direct Path,
Sirata-l-ladhina an ‘amta ‘alayhim
the mystic way of those who have received and truly assimilated Your sublime Guidance,
Ghayril maghdubi ‘alayhim wa lad-daallin
those who never wander from the spiritual path and therefore never experience Your awesome Correction.
Allahu Akbar
Moving to ruku, and in the deep bow whispering:
Subhana Rabbi-l-Azim (three times)
Glory to the Lord and Supreme Teacher Who is sheer magnificence
Rising up to standing:
Samia-Llahu li-man hamida
Allah hears the one who praises Him
Arriving in the upright position:
Rabbana laka-l-hamd
O My Lord, all praise flows to you!
Moving toward full prostration:
Allahu Akbar
In prostration, whisper three times:
Subhana Rabbi-l-‘Ala
Glorious is Supreme Reality
Shifting back to sitting:
Allahu Akbar
Pause in the seated position.
Allahu Akbar
Return to full prostration. Whisper three times:
Subhana Rabbi-l-‘Ala
Glorious is Supreme Reality
Raising the head and torso:
Allahu Akbar
If you are performing a three-rakat prayer, remain in the seated position, and continue below. If you are performing a four-rakat prayer, rise to standing with the last Allahu Akbar above.
Completing a three-rakat prayer
To complete a three-rakat prayer now quietly repeat the divine conversation:
At-tahiyyatu li-Llahi wa salawatu wa-t-tayyibatu
(The Prophet cries:) O Allah, to You belong all my greetings, prayers, and pure deeds.
as-salamu alayka ayyuhan-Nabiyyu
(Allah Most High responds:) Peace be upon you, O beloved Prophet,
wa Rahmatu-Llahi wa Barakatu-Hu
and may My divine mercy and blessings flow always upon you.
As-salamu alayna wa ala ibadi-Llahi salihin
(The Prophet prays:) Peace be upon us and upon all the righteous servants of Allah-
ashadu an La ilaha ila-Llah
(The angels exclaim:) We bear witness that there is no reality apart from Allah,
wa ashadu anna Muhammadin Abdu-Hu wa Rasulu-Hu
and we bear witness that Muhammad is His pure servant and Messenger!
Salat approaches completion with the salawat, supplications, and salaams:
Allahumma salli ‘ala sayyidina Muhammadin
O Allah, shower blessings upon our Master Muhammad
wa ‘ala ali Muhammadin
and upon his family
kama sallayta ‘ala Ibrahim wa ‘ala ali Ibrahim
as you have blessed Abraham and the family of Abraham,
innaka Hamidun Majid
indeed You are Most Praiseworthy and Glorious.
Wa barik ‘ala sayyidina Muhammadin
And shower Your grace upon our Master Muhammad
wa ‘ala ali Muhammadin
and his family
kama barakta ‘ala Ibrahim wa ‘ala ali Ibrahim
as You have graced Abraham and the family of Abraham,
innaka Hamidun Majid
truly You are Most Praiseworthy and Glorious.
Rabbana atina fi-dunya hasanatan
O Lord, grant us pure goodness and beauty in this life
wa fil akhirati hasanatan
and in the life beyond death.
wa qina adhab an-nar
and protect us all from the fire of purification
Rabbana ghfirli wa-li walidaya wa-l Mu’minuna
O Lord, heal and forgive me, my parents, and all those faithful to Love
Yawm ‘il yakum ‘il hisab
On the Day of Ultimate Justice
Bi-Rahmatika Ya Arhama Rahimin
By your supremely tender Compassion, O most Compassionate of the Compassionate.
The Words of Peace are offered first to the right along the lines of prayer and then to the left:
As-Salamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatu-Llah,
As-Salamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatu-Llah
May the Sublime Peace and Compassionate blessings of Allah be with you.
Now the main body of the three-rakat salat is complete. The heart naturally overflows with further supplications, praises and forms of remembrance.
Continuing a four-rakat prayer
If you are offering a four-rakat prayer, immediately after the second prostration of the third rakat, you will have risen into the standing position with the last Allahu AkbarÑNow begin the fourth rakat with al-Fatiha. The additional sura is again omitted. Bismi-Llahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim
In the Name of Allah, the Tenderly Compassionate, the Infinitely Merciful
Alhamdu li-Llahi Rabbi-l-‘alamin
Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Lover of the Worlds
Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,
Maliki yawmi-d-din
Magnificently presiding over the return into the Radiance of Allah
Iyyaka na‘budu, wa iyyaka nasta‘in
O Lord, we worship only You and rely upon You alone.
Reveal Your Direct Path,
Sirata-l-ladhina an ‘amta ‘alayhim
the mystic way of those who have received and truly assimilated Your sublime Guidance,
Ghayril maghdubi ‘alayhim wa lad-daallin
those who never wander from the spiritual path and therefore never experience Your awesome Correction.
Allahu Akbar
Move to ruku, bowing:
Subhana Rabbi-l-Azim (three times)
Glory to the Lord and Supreme Teacher Who is sheer magnificence
Rising up to standing:
Samia-Llahu li-man hamida
Allah hears the one who praises Him
Arriving in the upright position:
Rabbana laka-l-hamd
O My Lord, all praise flows to you!
Moving toward full prostration:
Allahu Akbar
In prostration, whisper:
Subhana Rabbi-l-‘Ala (three times)
Glorious is Supreme Reality
Shifting back to sitting:
Allahu Akbar
Pause in the seated position.
Allahu Akbar
Return to full prostration. Whisper:
Subhana Rabbi-l-‘Ala (three times)
Glorious is Supreme Reality
Raising the head and torso:
Allahu Akbar
Remain in the seated position, and continue below.
Completing a four-rakat prayer
To complete a four-rakat prayer, quietly repeat the divine conversation:
At-tahiyyatu li-Llahi wa salawatu wa-t-tayyibatu
(The Prophet cries:) O Allah, to You belong all my greetings, prayers, and pure deeds.
as-salamu alayka ayyuhan-Nabiyyu
(Allah Most High responds:) Peace be upon you, O beloved Prophet,
wa Rahmatu-Llahi wa Barakatu-Hu
and may My divine mercy and blessings flow always upon you.
As-salamu alayna wa ala ibadi-Llahi salihin
(The Prophet prays:) Peace be upon us and upon all the righteous servants of Allah-
ashadu an La ilaha ila-Llah
(The angels exclaim:) We bear witness that there is no reality apart from Allah,
wa ashadu anna Muhammadin Abdu-Hu wa Rasulu-Hu
and we bear witness that Muhammad is His pure servant and Messenger!
Continue with the closing salawat and supplications:
Allahumma salli ‘ala sayyidina Muhammadin
O Allah, shower blessings upon our Master Muhammad
wa ‘ala ali Muhammadin
and upon his family
kama sallayta ‘ala Ibrahim wa ‘ala ali Ibrahim
as you have blessed Abraham and the family of Abraham,
innaka Hamidun Majid
indeed You are Most Praiseworthy and Glorious.
Wa barik ‘ala sayyidina Muhammadin
And shower Your grace upon our Master Muhammad
wa ‘ala ali Muhammadin
and his family
kama barakta ‘ala Ibrahim wa ‘ala ali Ibrahim
as You have graced Abraham and the family of Abraham,
innaka Hamidun Majid
truly You are Most Praiseworthy and Glorious.
Rabbana atina fi-dunya hasanatan
O Lord, grant us pure goodness and beauty in this life
wa fil akhirati hasanatan
and in the life beyond death.
wa qina adhab an-nar
and protect us all from the fire of purification
Rabbana ghfirli wa-li walidaya wa-l Mu’minuna
O Lord, heal and forgive me, my parents, and all those faithful to Love
Yawm ‘il yakum ‘il hisab
On the Day of Ultimate Justice
Bi-Rahmatika Ya Arhama Rahimin
By your supremely tender Compassion, O most Compassionate of the Compassionate.
The Words of Peace are offered twice, first to the right along the lines of prayer and then to the left:
As-Salamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatu-Llah,
As-Salamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatu-Llah
May the Sublime Peace and Compassionate blessings of Allah be with you.
Now salat is complete. The heart naturally overflows with further supplications, praises and forms of remembrance. Following are the traditional forms.